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Tips for Choosing the Right Protein Powder

Looking for the best protein powder is certainly a daunting task. This is true especially when you think of those many types of protein powder. Add to that the fact that there is already rampant selling of protein powder, anywhere you may go. You really need to be a wise consumer lest you will end up buying the wrong protein powder. This is why you need to keep in mind some important things before purchasing your protein powder. Some of these important things to remember will include the following:

Know your purpose for taking protein powders

It is important that you know your purpose for taking protein powder. This will make it easier for you to determine the amount of protein that you need for your goal. If you are into a weight loss regimen, choose a protein powder product that contains lesser amount of calories. The same is true with the amount of sugar and carbohydrates. On the other hand, if you are into body building and would like to bulk up then you need to be protein-heavy. Choose a protein powder which has high amount of sugar, calories and carbohydrates. You will need all these so that you will have enough energy during your training period. But, if you just want your athletic endurance to increase, you may need different levels of protein.

Know its amino acid content

The amino acids are the building blocks of our muscle. Therefore, you need to check the amino acid content of the protein powder before buying. It is a must that you compare those protein powders before finally making the purchase. Check whether your protein powder has high content of the following amino acids:

  • Glutamine – provides plenty of benefits as it helps the body function well towards recovery and muscle maintenance. The good news is that glutamine is not that expensive. This goes to say that you can just easily add another glutamine in your protein powder whenever you want to.

  • Arginine – your protein powder must contain high amount of this type of amino acid. Arginine promotes blood flow as it increases the size of the arteries. This increased size of arteries is also helpful in the distribution of nutrients to all the vital organs of the body.

  • Leucine – this amino acid helps a lot in muscle growth. Leucine is responsible for stimulating the release of insulin from the person’s pancreas. It also helps in enhancing protein synthesis.

    Make sure to read the label at the back

    You should be reading the back label so that you will know all the ingredients used for that protein powder. Some protein powder contains sugar, artificial colors, sweeteners, and any other ingredients. Then ask yourself whether you really want to have these ingredients for your protein powder, instead opt for a natural protein powder.

    Check for quality assurance

    You have it take into consideration the name of the manufacturer of each protein powder. Check whether it is USDA approved. Find out where it is being sourced. You also need to know how it is being processed and whether there is any third party testing being done for heavy metals to ensure the product’s safety. This is because some protein powder has chemicals and other heavy metals that are definitely dangerous for your health. Knowing these things will help you become an empowered consumer.

    Check for any allergens

    Most protein powders contain soy, dairy, and eggs which can cause allergies to an individual. You need to avoid these allergens especially if you are adding this protein powder for your detoxification process. Therefore, it is a must that you ask your health care provider before using any protein powder.

    Choosing the wrong kind of protein powder can cause you so much stress in a person. Just thinking of the effort, time and money that are being wasted on a not–so-good protein powder can make anyone end up in anxiety. Therefore, one must follow the abovementioned tips in choosing the best protein powder. This way, you will never have to wallow in stress and anxiety because you are confident that you already have the best kind of protein powder for your needs.

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    Complete Protein Powder